Blogger to WordPress Self Installation Resources in 2020

So I recently had the chance of setting up and launching my first official website, which I'm really looking to take forward to the next level.

TopStories is more than just another website. It's my passion for news and talkshows, and I really want to be doing this for a long time.

You know it when you can stay awake up for lengthy hours trying to make a WordPress installation work or a successful Blogger to WordPress transition .

Apart from the excitement of following my passion, I also managed to see the whole thing through owing to these resources that were of immense help.

Should you ever find yourself in a similar situation, then I'd like you to check these out for quick help:

1. Blogger to WP
If you make this move, then you need a complete step-by-step guide to do that. I found Wbeginner's instructions to be very helpful.

I also kept comparing his instructions to another popular review of the subject from this resource just to double-check everything especially before making any major changes especially where they said to be careful in the guide, like when handling theme codes.

2. There are instances during the guide where you need to make slight deviations and hop on to other links to make certain things work or to follow instructions through.

These include:

2.b. Setting up a contact form (I used wpforms) and this guide helped.

2.c. I had some trouble trying to fix 'missing thumbnails' on the home page of the site. As I used a free theme, I thought that that could be the problem.

This, and many other resources did not help much!

An online search on missing thumbnails on WordPress problem showed that this particular problem had been searched a lot. I could also see that it was going to be a time-consuming process, so I settled for a 2016 WordPress theme with slightly lighter functionality but 'apparently' more stable than the previous themes I'd used.

Update: I've figured it out, for Featured images, you may have to redo them on every post. There are some plugins that let you do that, but I did it manually anyways.

For Featured Video Thumbnails, you can try the WordPress plugin Video Thumbnails.

I've also made changes to the categories and tags of my site, and I think I like how my site looks at now. There is a remarkable improvement in the organization of the site, and planning future content also gets simpler from here.

So yes, WordPress to Blogger self installation is possible, but not easy.


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