Record Videos Discretely using Front or Back Camera with this App

The Problem

There are moments when you need to record video discretely using your smartphone camera. This could be to record an important meeting or conversation. If you expect to confront someone who could be potentially threatening or intimidating, you may want to silently record the incident to serve as evidence.

The Solution

Quick Video Recorder (QVR) is an Android app that serves this purpose fairly well. Besides the QVR app menu icons, it comes with two additional menu icons shown in red in the image above. These icons allow single tap video recording using front or back camera of your smartphone. While camera apps usually make a sound when recording begins and stops, Quick Video Recorder replaces it with light vibration.

Stop Video Recording

To stop recording, simply drag down the top notifications bar and click the Quick Video Recorder notification that says, "Click to stop."

Recorded videos can be accessed from the Quick Video Recorder app. Tap the menu icon at the top and then tap "Gallery" sub-menu.


When recording the video, make sure that you hold the camera in a way that doesn't arouse anyone's suspicion.

Keep your phone storage space in mind when recording videos.


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